NBFTT Announces the Virtual Launch of its Inaugural Trinidad and Tobago Female Basketball League
All can access the TTFBL’s Facebook page via https://www.facebook.com/TTFBL or searching ‘Trinidad & Tobago Female Basketball League’ or ‘TTFBL’ directly on the Facebook platform.
The Honourable Minister Shamfa Cudjoe – Minister of Sport and Community Development will deliver the Virtual Keynote Speech; Dr. the Honourable Nyan Gadsby-Dolly – Minister of Education will bring virtual greetings, as the Trinidad and
Tobago Schools Basketball Association plays a critical role in the development of Basketball and represents a feeder pool of athletes.
The TTFBL’s mission is “To unlock the potential of women, by creating optimal conditions and systems to support women and girls engaging in basketball.” Our vision is “A sustainable national league for women by women”