July 26, 2021, Balmain, Couva: The Sports Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited (SporTT) has handed over office space to the Special Olympics of Trinidad and Tobago (SOTT) as they look forward to the set out on a journey to create a centre of excellence for their operations. The keys for the space located at the Mannie Ramjohn Stadium were handed over to them by Minister of Sport and Community Development (MSCD), Hon. Shamfa Cudjoe.
Speaking at the event, Chairman of SOTT Major David Benjamin noted that, “COVID-19 has seen a refining in the strategic decision-making process at Special Olympics. Matters such as sustainability, volunteerism and future athlete engagement in upcoming games and otherwise will be decided in this space which will become a centre for excellence.”
The handover of the temporary office is just phase one in a three-tranche movement towards a comfortable permanent space. The next phase will see construction of much needed storage space afforded by the Digicel Foundation. The final phase will see the construction of better outfitted office space, training room and conferencing center.
Main sponsor for SOTT is the Digicel Foundation. Operations Manager, Cindyann Currency said, “as a partner the Foundation is looking for this new home to lend to the continued growth in efficiency and community that always follows Special Olympics.”
The Mannie Ramjohn Stadium is located in Marabella and represents the first time SOTT has had an office in south Trinidad. SporTT CEO Jason Williams made the observation that, “this is not the first nor will it be the last National Governing Body that we have made space for and it is in keeping with our mandate. We at SporTT however will continue to maintain these spaces both for play and planning in the hopes that sport for all will one day be achieved.”
Closing off the event was Minister Cudjoe who expressed her confidence in the ability of SOTT and its management to not let the space sit idle. She expressed her hope that this country will continue to lend it support via volunteerism and fan service to the Special Olympic cause and noted that she is looking forward to more medals and wins in the future.
Video of all speeches can be found on SporTT’s website www.sportt-tt.com and on YouTube @sporttco or on our website at this link.