Moruga Multi-Purpose Sport and Youth Facility


  • MMSYF has a seating capacity of 500 and a multi-purpose field comprising a football pitch and two cricket pitches. It also has lockers and dining areas, multi concessions stands, and an energy-efficient solar-lit car park.
  • Officially opened on the 5th of August 2020, MMSYF aims to provide opportunities which shape talents/gifts of individuals and bring them to full fruition.
  • The facility is situated on 9.25 acres of State lands along the Moruga Main Road.
  • The facility provides a pavilion with five hundred (500) covered seating capacity
  • A multi-use Field.
  • The field consists of a football pitch and two (2) cricket pitches.

The building facilities include the following:

– Home and Away Lockers
– Dining Areas and Washrooms
– Officials Lockers and Washrooms
– General public male and female washrooms
– Storage
– Fire safety system
– Two 2 concession stands
– VIP area
– One elevator
– Carpark area
– Solar lighting in the parking area

Seating Capacity: 500

Events Hosted:

– No major events due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.


– Football Field
– Two (2) Cricket pitches

Sporting Activities:

– Football (Training, Matches, and Competitions)
– Cricket (Training, Matches and Competitions)

Non-Sporting Activities:

– Concerts
– Sports Days
– Car Show/Sound Off
– Model Car racing
– Family Days
– Motorbike Shows
– Boat shows
– Dog Shows
– Symposiums
– Cooking Competitions
– Clothing Market Display
– Wedding Receptions
– Muster Point

Location: 6MGH+VWV, Moruga Road, Fifth Company, Trinidad.

Managed by: SporTT (since 5th of August 2020)


Phone Number:
1 (868) 225-4886 ext. 112-113


For the foreseeable future, please provide the names of all persons that will be attending your sessions along with their contact information.

Use the 'Attendee Details' box below for this purpose. Failure to provide this information will result in person(s) not being allowed entry into the facility.

You are also required to read & agree to the new Usage Guidelines; Please note in clicking 'Request Booking' you are agreeing that you have read and agree with the new usage guidelines.


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